Citizen Participation in City Management from the Perspective of the Mayors of Greater Poland (Poland)
city management, civic participation, leadership stylesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify the approach of mayors of cities of the Great Poland voivodeship to the civic participation in public management processes. An attempt is made to determine the relationship between the identified type of leadership (transformational, transactional) and the declared attitude of mayors of cities towards the civic participation. To solve the research problems and achieve research goals, questionnaire surveys were carried out using the standardized MLQ questionnaire (Multifactor Leadership Questionaire). The survey was conducted with mayors of cities of Great Poland voivodeship. 61 people were examined (55%). The results of the research indicate the dominant role of transactional leadership with simultaneous openness and a positive attitude towards the participation of residents in management processes. The results of the conducted research provide input to the discussion on the possibilities of optimizing public management in Poland, including, in particular, the use of available institutional and legal instruments to improve the quality of public services provided.
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