Twenty years of Poland–Ukraine cross-border cooperation: reflections and responses in the wake of the Russian military aggression




cross-border cooperation, sustainable development, quality of life, regional development, conflict, Russian aggression, Ukraine


This paper marks the 20th anniversary of Poland–Ukraine cross-border cooperation (CBC), emphasising the impacts of the recent Russian military aggression. The study explores how these geopolitical tensions have influenced CBC initiatives, particularly highlighting the challenges and responses within the existing frameworks. By documenting the resilience and adaptability of CBC in the face of military conflict, this paper offers insights into the crucial role of regional collaborations in maintaining cross-border interactions and mitigating crisis impacts.


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How to Cite

Wolodin, D., & Wyporska, K. (2024). Twenty years of Poland–Ukraine cross-border cooperation: reflections and responses in the wake of the Russian military aggression. Space – Society – Economy, 75–95.


