Definition and conceptualization of the concept of mixed-use residential complex


  • Oksana Morklyanyk Narodowy Uniwersytet „Politechnika Lwowska”, Katedra Projektowania Architektonicznego, Instytut Architektury



Mixed-use, mixed-use residential complex, urban environment


The concept of mixed-use is considered in this article as a phenomenon of urban environment, which derives from natural formation and evolution of urban structure. Existing approaches to defining the concept of mixed-use building and mixed-use residential complex are analyzed. It was found that a multifunctional residential complex is a component of a mixed-use district, which stimulates the activity of urban environment and raises its viability, quality and economic effectiveness. Reasons for increasing interest in this type of complexes are pointed out in short. The question of mixed-use complexes distribution within the city structure is considered from the perspective of urban planning: local and city-wide mixed-use formations. The article presents a proposal of a definition of mixed-use residential complex.


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How to Cite

Morklyanyk, O. (2016). Definition and conceptualization of the concept of mixed-use residential complex. Space – Society – Economy, (18), 11–22.