Business projects in the city – specificity and development of supporting tools
projects, business projects, supporting tools, cityAbstract
Being systems, cities have an extensive item and subject structure. Therefore, the high ability to introduce changes in the area of cities is demonstrated by the implementation of activities involving extensive expenditure (material, financial, intangible). Projects, including business ones, are an example.
The management of the city is shaped by the activity of both the public and private sectors. Joint activity enables the achievement of effects impossible to achieve solely by the activity of the public sector. On the other hand, private sector activities may not take place or be limited without public sector support. There is therefore the importance of dialogue between both sectors and research to develop instruments to support business projects by the public sector.
Due to the research issues undertaken, the main objective of the study is to characterize projects, including business ones, and to identify a range of potential ways of supporting business projects (corresponding to their specificity) on the part of the public sector. Therefore, among the partial research goals are: – (sub-objective 1) identification of project characteristics, including business ones (i.e. in relation to their stages, types, as well as strategies and methods of financing implemented by investors during their implementation); – (sub-objective 2) listing the tools for supporting business projects by the public sector, including those common and recommended in Polish economic practice and implemented in other countries in order to develop domestic instruments, e.g. by implementing some of the foreign solutions.
The branching of the main research goal into two partial research goals makes the research tasks more efficient and the continuity of the entire research argument. As part of the research carried out in the form of a bibliographic query, therefore, focused on several research areas (assuming the perspective of exploring the scope of the research), i.e. stages and types of projects, sources of financing business projects for real estate investment, alternative investment strategies in the context of business projects investment nature in real estate, and then forms of support for investors undertaking the implementation of business investment projects in real estate by adopting the user’s strategy, including classic tool divisions in Polish conditions, examples of proposals for complementary supporting instruments in Poland, as well as potential development directions regarding forms of support for on the basis of foreign experiences that can be implemented in Polish conditions). In this way, the adequacy of the research and the content of the thesis with regard to the adopted research issues is preserved. This, in turn, makes it possible to achieve the formulated research goals.
On the basis of the conducted research, the author mainly states that the projects constitute a heterogeneous set and, consequently, an extensive research scope. Therefore, it is justified for the reliability of research to narrow down the scope of the research in favor of the selected type of projects. Thus, detailed research considerations, in accordance with the adoptedresearch objectives, have been oriented towards business projects of an investment nature in real estate. Their characterization covered, firstly, the developed sources of financing, reflecting the development of the financial market, as well as various situational possibilities depending on the individual features of a business project, and, secondly, alternative investment strategies that may be adopted by investors in the area of implementing business projects of an investment nature in real estate, which reflect the wide range of options for investor behavior, distinguished for the long-term development of the local user strategy. Similarly to the extensive classifications of projects, as well as the methods of their financing and management, heterogeneity was also demonstrated in the scope of instruments supporting business projects of investment in real estate, applicable (along with technical, organizational and legal improvements) and potential for implementation in the Polish economy (in based on the experiences of Germany, France and Great Britain). Moreover, the conducted research proves the ability of business projects to play a city-forming role influences the use of supporting tools by the public sector. In terms of these support solutions, some are perceived as being universal (i.e. broad adaptability), and with others rather individual (i.e. meeting specific requirements). Moreover, financial and non-financial tools are mentioned. Moreover, foreign experiences show examples of directions of their development.The scientific article presents research, some of which can be considered as a contribution to carrying out further research tasks on a specific type of business projects selected in the context of specific conditions.
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