Editorial Instructions

Circulation procedure for contributions submitted for publication

  1. Authors submitting papers for publication are obliged to provide the following information:

- what is the contribution of individual authors in the creation of the work (in %), giving their affiliations (the authors’ place of work),

 - who is the author of the concept, assumptions, method, protocol and so on, used to prepare the publication,

- what are the sources for financing materials as well as the contribution of academic and research institutions, associations and other entities (“financial disclosure”).

  1. Authors submitting papers for publication should observe the principles of ethics applicable in science and be aware that “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” are the signs of scientific unreliability. All cases of this type of practice found will be disclosed and documented by the Journal’s Editorial Office and relevant entities, such as institutions employing the authors, will be informed about it.
  2. The principal responsibility for a publication will lie with its author (authors).

Acceptance procedure

  1. Publications submitted in accordance with the “Circulation procedure for contributions submitted for publication” will be subjected to peer review.
  2. An internal review is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief and Topical Editor.
  3. Receiving a positive internal review will qualify for further procedure.

Reviewing procedure

  1. For each publication the Editorial Office will nominate two independent reviewers from outside the unit.
  2. In case of a text written in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers has to be affiliated with a foreign institution of a nationality different than the author’s.
  3. At each publication the Journal’s Editorial Office will strive to select reviewers that are independent and not affiliated to the author of the work. Otherwise, the reviewer will be obligated to sign a declaration of lack of conflict of interests (direct personal relations, professional subordination, direct scientific cooperation over the last two years preceding the preparation of the review).
  4. A review will be in writing and each applicant will be able to read it and comment on it.
  5. Once a year the list of reviewers is posted on the Journal’s website.
  6. All articles and works submitted by authors and initially qualified for publishing by the Editorial Board will be subject to the reviewing procedure. The initial qualification involves assessing the scientific character of the work, its suitability for the Journal’s profile and its formal aspects as well as complying with the requirements of the Circulation procedure for contributions submitted for publication.

Principles of reviewing articles in the journal

The Editorial Office of Space-Society-Economy adopted the principles of reviewing text published in our journal in compliance with the recommendations contained in the brochure “Good Practices in reviewing procedures in science” published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In particular, we pay attention to the:

  1. Rule of double-blind review – the names of reviewers are disclosed only on the journal’s website without connecting them to the reviewed texts,
  2. Substantial selection and competences of reviewers; the reviewers hold at least PhD degree,
  3. Selection which ensures that the reviewer and the reviewed are not in close personal or professional relation,
  4. Written nature of a review and its preparation according to a standard form, the review has to end with a clear conclusion – admitting the article for publishing or its rejection,
  5. Presenting the review to the author and giving him or her a chance to comment thereon,
  6. Publishing only these texts which received two positive reviews,
  7. Review form to be downloaded: English version.

Technical requirements


- article length (including tables and drawings): maximum one publisher’s sheet (15-20 pages),

- footnotes – at the bottom of the page with consecutive numbering using Arabic numerals (please do not include bibliography in footnotes),

- tables with the author’s numbering and title over the table; with description and data source under the table,

 - drawings should be submitted in electronic form and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals,

- drawings – must be black and white using a hatch pattern,

- the total number of drawings and tables should not be more than half of the number of pages (e.g. if the article has 20 pages then the total number of drawings and tables should not exceed 10 pages),

- scanned elements – 300 dpi resolution.

Attention: we accept articles prepared according to attached outlines: first page, main text.


- please do not put bibliographic notes in footnotes,

- inserting references to literature in the text use the “Harvard” system: author’s name and year of publication in parentheses without a coma – without initials (e.g. Orlowski 2003),

- bibliography at the end of the article in alphabetical order: author’s name, initials, year, title, publisher, place of publishing (e.g. Orlowski W., 2003, Strategia, PWN, Warszawa).


 - electronic version of paper (MS Word file),

- title in English – 1 A4 page,

- abstract in English – at the beginning of the article (250-500 words),

 - key words,

 - total volume of title, abstract and key words less than 1300 characters with spaces,

- author’s data (at the end of each text) – academic degree, full name, ORCID,  and place of work (university, faculty, division).