Przemysłowy wizerunek Łodzi a poprzemysłowy charakter miasta. Adaptacja dziedzictwa kulturowego do nowych warunków społeczno-gospodarczych




‘Each period in its social history of architecture has its own models and in each period the society evaluates the architecture according to certain stereotypes’ (Jalowiecki 2005 after Wallis 1984). After such models as the church, the market square, the town hall or the castle dominating in the space of European cities during the pre – industrial era, new models of factories or railway stations arose in the industrial period to be later replaced by skyscrapers, shopping malls or motorways – models of post – industrial era. Lodz is an extraordinary city though. It singles out from the most important metropolies of Poland due to many buildings of the industrial architecture haritage located in central parts of its urban space, which has not been changed. The remains of industrial era of the city of Lodz – factories, manufacturers’ palaces and others have nowadays become its perceptual dominant (Tobiasz 2007a). The aim of this article is to present the presistance of the industrial city symbols both in its spatial structure and in the conscious of its inhabitants which is used and strengthened by actions of creating certain themes for shoping malls – models of post – industrial era. The problem undertaken within this article is a subject of humanistic geography as a part of human nature and its experience which can be examined by researchers through the signs of human expression. To verify arguments and accomplish the aim of this article the methods of photographs’ analysis and social inquiry have been used. Methods chosen enabled making comparison of the objective view of the urban space of Lodz both in the past and currently with its inhabitants’ subjective opinions.


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Jak cytować

Tobiasz-Lis, P. (2008). Przemysłowy wizerunek Łodzi a poprzemysłowy charakter miasta. Adaptacja dziedzictwa kulturowego do nowych warunków społeczno-gospodarczych. Space – Society – Economy, (8), 197–207.