Udział społeczny w planowaniu przestrzennym - uwarunkowania prawne a praktyka planistyczna
The article presents importance of public participation in the spatial planning. Many residents and owners want to participate in a process of creating the local law in their neighborhood. The main reason of the public participation in the spatial planning is knowledge that the local law is important and precisely shows the way for further investments. But in many cases, a will of participation in the planning becomes an usurpation of the right to decide themselves about the shape of the environment. In Poland the public participation in the spatial planning is particularly difficult because of earlier political system where there was almost no ownership. The article describes the public participation in a process of creating different planning tools e.g. study of preconditions and directions of spatial management, local spatial management plan and shows the most important differences. Also discrepancies between law regulations and practice planning are shown in the article.
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