Editorial: Changes in a Human Life


  • Jakub Niedbalski University of Lodz
  • Izabela Ślęzak University of Lodz




changeability, processuality, individual, society, qualitative sociology


The subject of the volume Changes in a human life is the process of the broadly understood transformation taking place in the lives of both individuals and whole communities. It is a process that may have various faces and characters and that may refer to numerous fields of research and various contexts. Therefore, the group of notions that the authors of this volume focus on is comprised of those related to the problems of disability, fatherhood, prostitution, intelligence, corporate work or migration. The included articles are of an overview, exploratory and empirical nature. However, all of them bring the reader closer to the processuality, changeability and dynamism of the lives lived by individuals and communities.


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Author Biographies

Jakub Niedbalski, University of Lodz

Jakub Niedbalski, PhD in sociology, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Organization of Management of the University of Lodz. He specializes in computer analysis of qualitative data, methods of qualitative research, notions of sociology of disability and of physical culture. He conducts research in the field of social and physical activation of the disabled. Author of the following books: To live and work in a social welfare home. Sociological study of interactions between personnel and mentally disabled wards (The University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2013), Discovering of CAQDAS. Description of the selected computer programs supporting qualitative data analysis (The University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2013) and Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software. Using of the NVivo and Atlas.ti in the research projects based on methodology of the grounded theory (The University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2014).

Izabela Ślęzak, University of Lodz

Izabela Ślęzak, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Organization of Management of the University of Lodz. Main spheres of scientific interests focus on methodology of social research, especially qualitative methods of work, symbolic interactionism, sociology of work and organization. Currently performing field studies related to the phenomenon of prostitution.


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How to Cite

Niedbalski, J., & Ślęzak, I. (2015). Editorial: Changes in a Human Life. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 11(3), 6–12. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.11.3.01

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