Long-term care system for dependent people – Austrian experiences





dependent people, long-term care, older people, social assistance, social security system, principle of subsidiarity


Austrian society is an ageing society. Old age does not always mean dependence. However, the risk of disability and dependence increases with age. In addition, older people often experience multi-disease. High-quality long-term care services can help frail and dependent elderly on maintaining greater autonomy and participation in society, regardless of their condition. The aim of the article is to analyze legal, institutional and practical solutions in the field of long-term care system functioning in Austria. It should be emphasized that Austria is striving to develop services based on a social model and an independent life paradigm. Analysis of legal solutions indicates that the long-term care system in Austria is very complex. Institutional solutions are divided between the federal level and nine federal states. On the one hand, this results in decentralization and more effective help for the elderly, but on the other hand, it causes the diffusion and heterogeneity of standards.


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How to Cite

Luty-Michalak, M., & Syryt, A. (2019). Long-term care system for dependent people – Austrian experiences. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (71), 81–98. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-600X.71.07