Love of the Fatherland in the Discourse of Polish Online Media




discourse analysis, media discourse, patriotism, discursive strategies, online media


The present contribution focuses on the discursive strategies used in the Polish online media when they appeal to the feeling of love of the fatherland. The current Polish public discourse on patriotism continues to be marked by historical events such as the three partitions of the country, the uprisings against the invaders, and the two world wars, and the national identity is often perceived through the prism of love for the fatherland. For this reason, in this article the author examines the discursive strategies currently used the Polish national media as well as the meanings that terms such as patriot, patriotism, and patriotic acquire. The corpus-based analysis draws on articles from online newspapers’ archives published by representative Polish media from right, left and liberal center political orientations (wSieci, Do Rzeczy, Krytyka Polityczna, Dziennik Trybuna, Kultura Liberalna and Liberté).


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Woch, Université de Łódź

Agnieszka Woch – professeure des universités à l’Institut d’Études Romanes de l’Université de Łódź (Pologne), HDR en linguistique, docteure ès sciences humaines de l’Université de Łódź et de l’Université Paris Descartes (spécialité : linguistique). Auteure et co-rédactrice de six monographies et d’une quarantaine d’articles. Ses principaux domaines d’intérêt scientifique sont l’analyse du discours, la pragmatique et la sociolinguistique. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur le discours médiatique et politique.


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How to Cite

Woch, A. (2021). Love of the Fatherland in the Discourse of Polish Online Media. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (16), 173–182.

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