The Regional Hypocoristic Appellation as a Marker of Attachment
hypocoristic appellation, nickname, Champagne regiolect, Ardennes regiolect, vitality of regionalismAbstract
This contribution aims at presenting the affective appellations built on the basis of regional lexical funds and showing that these “friendly formulae by which we speak” (Tamine, 2006) are a remarkable means of saving the speech which is characteristic of this or that locality. As with any other dialect, this is the case in Champagne and Ardennes regiolects, where a considerable part of the names intended to address a person of acquaintance is represented by expressive vocatives. The study of these important elements of the regional vocabulary includes the description of the different types of affectionate transpositions used in the interlocution, the analysis of the morpho-semantic varieties of these lexical units. Particular attention is paid to specific regiolectals as markers of attachment, such as collective or individual nicknames used as appellations, first names whose morphological modification is a hypocoristic semantic trace, or even “regional names of various members of a family” (Bourcelot, 2012).
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