Gloria, canon, quand est-ce and poteau télégraphique: Alcoholic Beverages and the Action of Drinking in the Language of the Sublimes




Sublimes, working-class language, 19th century, argot, alcohol


At first glance, it may seem surprising that Denis Poulot’s book, titled Question sociale. Le Sublime ou le travailleur tel qu’il est en 1870, et ce qu’il peut être (1870), can be taken into consideration for an argot analysis. However, social historians perceive this author’s work as a valuable testimony to the literature on the French working-class life in the 19th century. Against this background, the academic interest in Poulot’s work has so far focused only on the life and working conditions of workers and not on the language of the so-called sublimes. A linguistic study of the sublimes (Hardy 2015) has already shown that it is worth investigating certain concepts, their meanings, and etymologies. First, this article introduces Denis Poulot and his work. Subsequently, the language of the sublimes is examined from a linguistic point of view. Here, the focus is on semantic fields, in particular the field of alcoholic beverages, wine merchants, and the action of drinking.


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Author Biography

Stéphane Hardy, Université de Siegen

Stéphane Hardy – est enseignante-chercheuse en linguistique française et lectrice de français à l’Institut des langues romanes de l’université de Siegen en Allemagne. Ses recherches portent sur l’argot et les langues secrètes (en particulier sur le largonji du louchébem), sur l’onomastique (ergonymie, pseudonymie et zoonymie dans le contexte des Human-Animal-Studies) ainsi que sur la linguistique populaire.


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How to Cite

Hardy, S. (2019). Gloria, canon, quand est-ce and poteau télégraphique: Alcoholic Beverages and the Action of Drinking in the Language of the Sublimes. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, (14), 9–20.

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