Hypotyposis of Envie in Ovide moralisé in Verses
hypotyposis, allegorical figure, preachingAbstract
In the Ovide moralisé of the fourteenth century, as in the Metamorphoses of Ovid, which the work aims to translate and allegorize, the figure and the action of the personification of “Envie” in Book II correspond to the definitions of hypotyposis: first of all the portrait and the actions of “Envie” are truly staged and cause a break in the discourse. Then the figure of personification is calculated to excite the reader, and it is doubtless one of his essential functions, the more so as the writer effaces himself to let the scene arise in all its horror. Finally, the painting of Envie’s actions concerns one of the best-represented “collective manifestations of human activity”, that of the sin of envy, and functions as an “image of memory” for the readers of the moralist.Downloads
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