Rhetoric, Mathematics, Physics, and Argumentation Introduction to the Discussion
physics, mathematics, proof (argumentation, reasoning), rhetoric, Immanuel Kant, Charles C. Peirce, Chaïm Perelman, Alfred TarskiAbstract
The aim of the text is to present a hypothesis called by me Aristotle-Ax hypothesis, which held that: first – every sentence/every period in any language N may be distributed/decomposed into two levels: léxis and dianoia. Second – sentence/period is characterized by elementary semantics, which allows all users of language N to understand the sentence/period. Third – if the sentence/period n becomes the text, which is a finite sum of correct sentences/periods defined at the level of léxis, this ex definitio must be used rule structure dianoia level. These rules are defined by the laws of poetics and rhetoric, and which are well known used by all users of the language N. Those rules apply in any language, also formalized.
The author also refers to the considerations by Immanuel Kant, Chaïm Perelman and Alfred Tarski on a similar topic.
Therefore, the principles of the rhetoric also apply to the language of mathematics, resp. of physics.
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