„The most momentous epochs in Jewish life”. American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia (December 15–18, 1918)





Jews in the USA, American Jewish Congress, Palestinian question, Zionism, minority rights


The Congress of American Jews began its activities as an organization established to represent all Jews living in the United States during the Congress in Philadelphia. On December 15–18, 1918, a meeting of 400 delegates representing all Jewish political parties and social groups in the USA took place. It aroused great hopes because new opportunities were opening up for the Jews to resolve the Palestinian question, the main Zionist project, and to guarantee equal rights for Jewish minorities in East-Central Europe. The article answers questions about how the Congress of American Jews was convened. How did the main political groups of Jews in the USA respond to it? What was the subject of the debate? What decisions were made? And then how were they implemented and what was the future of the initiative launched in Philadelphia? Answers to these questions will allow us to draw a conclusion as to the importance of the December congress in the history of Jews in the USA and whether it fulfilled its tasks.


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How to Cite

Jeziorny, D. (2018). „The most momentous epochs in Jewish life”. American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia (December 15–18, 1918). Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 17(2), 179–201. https://doi.org/10.18778/1644-857X.17.02.07


