Iconographic sources for African studies. An outline of the problem





Africa, culture, iconography, visual arts, history


The aim of this article is to consider whether it is possible to support the research concerning the history and culture of Sub-Saharan Africa through an analysis of the iconographic sources associated with this continent. The most important reason for such an attempt is the fundamental lack of any written documents in the traditional African culture. Second equally substantial part of the analyzes presented in this article is aimed to draw attention to the diversity of visual representations derived from this geographical territory. Another reason for exploring the iconography of this continent is to make an effort to broaden the reception of the African culture, and especially to attempt to abandon the Eurocentric ways of describing the world.


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How to Cite

Pawłowska, A., & Rubinkowska-Anioł, H. (2018). Iconographic sources for African studies. An outline of the problem. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 17(1), 79–102. https://doi.org/10.18778/1644-857X.17.01.04


