The Russo-Turkish war (the campaign of 1789) in the light of reports from „Pamiętnik Historyczno-Polityczno-Ekonomiczny”


  • Małgorzata Karkocha University of Lodz, The Faculty of Philosophy and History, The Institute of History, The Department of Modern History



Russo-Turkish war 1787–1792, campaign of 1789, „Pamiętnik Historyczno-Polityczno-Ekonomiczny”, Piotr Świtkowski, Warsaw press, 18th century


The subject of the article is the Russo-Turkish war of 1787–1792, more precisely the campaign of 1789. The issue will be discussed basing on the information published in „Pamiętnik Historyczno-Polityczno-Ekonomiczny”. The journal was coming out in Warsaw in the years 1782–1792, and Piotr Świtkowski was its editor and publisher. Since the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war, which Austria joined as Catherine II’s ally in February 1788, „Pamiętnik” was posting periodic reports on the activities at the Turkish front. It described the most important battles as well as less significant skirmishes, informed on the movements and the status of the fighting armies, printed the war complements and biographical notes of military commanders. As a supporter of pro-Turkish politics, Świtkowski spoke of the Ottoman Porte and inhabitants of Turkey with fondness, praised the bravery of a Turkish soldier, and positively reflected on the military reforms in that country.


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How to Cite

Karkocha, M. (2017). The Russo-Turkish war (the campaign of 1789) in the light of reports from „Pamiętnik Historyczno-Polityczno-Ekonomiczny”. Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Review of Historical Sciences, 16(3), 41–69.




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