Influence of Polish YouTubers on the development of children’s language competence: introduction to the issue




YouTuber, Minecraft, language competence, language mistakes


Over the last years, the popularity of the YouTube website has been steadily growing. Everyone can upload the recordings they create, and those who do it regularly on their channels are called YouTubers. The inspiration for this text was observation of the phenomenon of YouTubers and their influence on the linguistic behaviour of modern children. Children’s statements show that “innocent watching” of short clips can have a big impact on them. The subject of the article is a short language analysis of YouTuber’s statements about the Minecraft game which is popular among children and adolescents. These statements are characterized by various kinds of deviations from the linguistic norm manifested, for example, in the common colloquial style. I want to refer to linguistic considerations to the process of shaping correct language habits in children. YouTuber recordings are (alas) very popular among children, also in early school age, and often if they have younger siblings, also among pre‑school children. to the paper draws attention to their harmfulness and possible negative impact on the development of correct language patterns.


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How to Cite

Stefan, A. (2019). Influence of Polish YouTubers on the development of children’s language competence: introduction to the issue. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (3), 163–173.


