Disintegration of lexical skills and the ability to communicate with the environment in the patient with moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s disease


  • Aneta Domagała Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego, ul. Sowińskiego 17, 20-040 Lublin https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5955-5164




anomy, Alzheimer’s disease, confrontational naming, dialogic utterance, monologic utterance


The article analyzes the issues of anomy in Alzheimer’s disease, the leading symptom of speech pathology at the stage of dementia, in the context of the patient’s abilities to communicate with the environment in daily life. Using the example of a 73‑year‑old male patient with moderate dementia, the study discusses deficits recorded in logopedic tests, first of all in confrontational naming tests as well as in tests for constructing monologic and dialogic utterances, at the same time highlighting characteristic behaviors in the situations when the patient experiences language difficulties. The presentation of the phenomena takes into account the rich illustrative material in the form of obtained speech samples. Focusing on the lexical problems, the author identifies the possibilities of improving the anomic patient’s communication with his environment on the basis of recommendations contained in the FOCUSED program and WSPIERAM [I SUPPORT] program.


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How to Cite

Domagała, A. (2019). Disintegration of lexical skills and the ability to communicate with the environment in the patient with moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s disease. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (3), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.03.04


