Paralytic Dysphonia: A Speech Therapy Case Study




paralytic dysphonia, iatrogenic trauma, voice therapy


The article discusses a case study of a 48‑year‑old patient diagnosed with paralytic dysphonia, which was a consequence of left vocal fold paralysis, with probable iatrogenic origin. The study describes a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure protocol, which included comparison of the results of objective and subjective tests prior to and after the implementation of voice therapy. The measures were aimed to restore the laryngeal function. The therapeutic programme included the following modules: education in the field of hygiene and voice emission, body awareness exercises, regulation of muscle tension of individual fascia layers in areas strategic for phonation, correction of breathing pattern, obtaining a phonatory stop, creating conditions conducive to the development of a marginal shift, developing proper voice emission, including improving pneumo‑phono‑articulatory coordination and activation of resonators. The therapy included, among others, manual myofascial techniques regulating the tension of the muscle fascia in strategic areas for phonation, elements of speech therapy and self‑massage, relaxation training, elements of manual larynx therapy, reflex and defense mechanisms of the larynx, methods and techniques using the formation of occlusion in the vocal tract (S.O.V.T and LAX VOX). The treatment resulted in the disappearance of most of the subjective and objective symptoms of the patient’s ailments, including the return of mobility of the left vocal fold and the mucosal wave present on both sides, as well as proper pneumo‑phono‑articulatory coordination. There was improvement in the results of the GRBAS scale, VHI, VTD, MFT and s/z ratio tests. The implemented rehabilitation procedure allowed to achieve the optimal goal, namely improvement of the laryngeal function, including voice quality.


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How to Cite

Gliwa‐Patyńska, R. (2024). Paralytic Dysphonia: A Speech Therapy Case Study. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (9), 39–54.


