Extra‑Orofacial Physiological Characteristics of Speech Sound Disorders: The Example of Retained ATNR, STNR and TLR
speech‑language therapy, primitive reflexes, retained primitive reflexes, speech sound disordersAbstract
Several aspects are subject to assessment in the logopedic diagnosis of speech sound disorders, inlcuding the phonetic features of each speech sound, perceptual conditions, and the anatomical‑functional aspects of the orofacial complex of the individual under examination. The article aims to present the results of studies where this framework was expanded to include an assessment of three extra‑orofacial primitive reflexes, namely asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR), and tonic labyrinthine reflex (TNR). These three reflexes are referred to as ‘extra‑orofacial’ as they manifest themselves outside the orofacial complex but may impact its functioning. The research was conducted among 110 children aged 5–7, utilising an analytical‑phonetic method along with a sensory‑visual‑tactile‑experimental strategy. Additionally, the research uses an assessment of phonemic hearing and three extra‑orofacial primitive reflexes. The results helped determine the frequency of occurrence of consonantal phoneme realisation disorders and persistent extra‑orofacial primitive reflexes in individuals presenting various perceptual and anatomical‑functional conditions as well as identifying the level of co‑occurrence of these variables. These analyses may contribute to a better understanding of the ontogenesis of the phonetic-‑phonemic system’s development, broaden speech language therapists’ knowledge regarding persistent extra‑orofacial primitive reflexes, and potentially encourage a shift beyond local perceptions of dysfunctions in logopedics.
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