Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire: Adaptation and Validation into Polish
TWVQ, voice feminisation, voice therapy, transgender women, gender dysphoniaAbstract
The Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) is a diagnostic tool designed especially for feminising voice therapy. It complements the objective diagnosis with the patient’s subjective perspective. The therapist receives invaluable feedback about the client’s needs and expectations. The client receives the opportunity to better understand her own approach towards her voice. Originally created in English, the TWVQ required translation into Polish. Translation procedure, followed by adaptation and validation, was conducted in accordance with the rigorous WHO’s guidelines and with transgender patients’ participation. The Polish version of TWVQ was accepted by the co‑author and now is available online free of charge. Polish speech‑language pathologists have received an especially designed tool that may be helpful in voice feminising therapy.
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