Many a face of aphasia treatment: On group speech therapy for adults with aphasic disorders
aphasia, group speech therapy, speech and language disordersAbstract
The article attempts to outline selected issues and aspects of group therapy for subjects with aphasia. The author is a speech‑language therapist working with aphasic inpatients, and as such draws on his clinical experience. The introduction discusses aphasia in general, particularly the related terminology and epidemiology. The focus of the subsequent part is on group speech therapy for adults with aphasia. One key point here is a comparative analysis of the main opportunities and challenges which this form of therapy may carry, depending on the type of group in question. The comparison is accompanied by the author’s remarks on some of the assumptions made. The following section of the paper presents and elaborates on four proposals for therapeutic group sessions, all of which have already been implemented in his clinical practice. The conclusion briefly summarises the key findings as well as brings a handful of final reflections on the topic discussed.
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- 2023-12-01 (2)
- 2023-11-29 (1)
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