Basic Aspects of the Diagnosis of a Child with Language Disorders


  • Anna Paluch Specjalistyczna Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna dla Dzieci z Niepowodzeniami Edukacyjnymi, ul. św. Gertrudy 2, 31-046 Kraków
  • Elżbieta Drewniak- Wołosz Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy dla Dzieci z Afazją Zgromadzenia Sióstr Felicjanek, ul. Stanisława Millana 15, 30-610 Kraków



speech deficiency of the type of aphasia, developmental language disorder (DLD), nominal diagnosis, functional diagnosis, diagnosis as a process, specific and non‑specific symptoms, delay or disorder of speech development


It takes time to diagnose a child with DLD, is an interdisciplinary process. This especially refers to the differentiation between speech delay and impaired language development. Due to the multiplicity of diagnostic terms a functional diagnosis is important. Nominal (classi­fying) diagnosis should provide grounds for covering the child with formal therapeutic and educational care. From the point of view of diagnostic practice, it is important to develop the principles of cooperation of specialists involved in the diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Paluch, A., & Drewniak- Wołosz, E. (2022). Basic Aspects of the Diagnosis of a Child with Language Disorders. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (6), 201–208.