Editorial Instructions
Editorial requirements
- Article size – up to approx. 30,000 characters with spaces, including summaries, key words in Polish and English, bibliography).
- Review volume - up to 5 pages of standardized typescript (approx. 12,000 characters with spaces).
- The article should be edited in the Word editor, in accordance with the following rules:
– name and surname of the Author(s) – in the upper left corner in bold 12pt font. Times New Roman; the surname should be provided with a reference to the footnote in the form of an asterisk, and the following should be provided in the footnote: e-mail address, affiliation of the Author(s) along with the exact postal address of the represented institution, ORCID number (or information about its absence);
– title: centered in bold 12pt Times New Roman; as the first in the language in which the text was written, as the second – for Polish-language texts – in English, for texts written in a language other than Polish in Polish;
– keywords: under the second title (in Polish and English);
– the article should be accompanied by a summary (up to half a page) in Polish and English and placed after the list of references;
– abbreviations used: below the text, before literature, heading: List of abbreviations (12 points in bold);
– margins: 2.5 cm;
– paragraph indentation in the text: 1.25 cm (paragraph indentation should be made by entering a fixed indentation in the Paragraph window; please do not indent with spaces);
– text of the article and footnotes aligned to the left margin, without hyphenation;
– font: main test – 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5 pt, footnotes – 10 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1 pt;
– each graphic element (table, graph, photograph, etc.) in the text should be provided with a title and information about the source;
– quotations: included in the text (up to 3 lines) in quotation marks, longer quotations (over three lines) – font size 10, left indent 0.5, line spacing – 1 point;
– foreign language phrases woven into the Polish text – in italics;
– analyzed expressions – in italics;
– meanings of the words discussed in the so-called paws ‘ ’;
– highlights – bold;
– subheadings – 12 point bold font;
– author's notes (including omissions in quotations) in square brackets.
Bibliographic information
- In the main text, in square brackets, according to the formula: surname, year of publication, e.g. [Pluta-Wojciechowska, 2011], with quotations also the page number, e.g. [Pluta-Wojciechowska, 2011, p. 43]
- For each reference in the main text, a full bibliographic description should be provided in the bibliography, placed after the main text according to the following formula:
– heading: Literature (12 points in bold);
– titles of non-serial publications and titles of chapters / articles appearing in the main text and footnotes – in italics, without quotation marks, e.g. Gacka E. [2014], Zaburzenia rozwoju mowy u dzieci z porodów przedwczesnych. Diagnoza i efekty oddziaływań terapeutycznych, Gdańsk, Harmonia Universalis; Marciniak-Firadza R. [2016], Elementy metody werbotonalnej w terapii dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, [w:] I. Jaros, R. Gliwa (red.), Problemy badawcze i diagnostyczne w logopedii, Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ, s. 69–78;
– titles of periodicals: in quotation marks, antiquity, e.g. Kaźmierczak M. [2016], Świadomość celu w pracy logopedy i pacjenta z zaburzeniami głosu, „Pedagogika”, t. XXV, nr 1, s. 87–97;
– website addresses in antiquity, without hyperlinks; each address should be accompanied by the date of access to the page in round brackets, e.g. <www.uke.gov.pl/aktualnosci-800> (dostęp: 10.04.2016);
– references in the main text to Internet sources according to the template (compare with the bibliographic description templates): author's surname, year of publication on the Internet, e.g. (Bauer 2009), author's surname, e.g. and year of publication on the Internet, if known, e.g. (Celebryci trafią na uniwersytety? 2013), website address or shortened website address, e.g. (http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl).
Bibliographic description templates (including online source description templates)
Gacka E., 2014, Zaburzenia rozwoju mowy u dzieci z porodów przedwczesnych. Diagnoza i efekty oddziaływań terapeutycznych, Gdańsk: Harmonia Universalis.
Marciniak-Firadza R., 2016, Elementy metody werbotonalnej w terapii dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, [w:] I. Jaros, R. Gliwa (red.), Problemy badawcze i diagnostyczne w logopedii, Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ, s. 69–78.
Kaźmierczak M., 2016, Świadomość celu w pracy logopedy i pacjenta z zaburzeniami głosu, „Pedagogika”, t. XXV, nr 1, s. 87–97.
Jaros I., Gliwa R. (red.), 2016, Problemy badawcze i diagnostyczne w logopedii, Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ.
Internet sources:
Bauer Z., 2009, Tabloidyzacja, <http://www.slideshare.net/52zbigi/tabloidyzacja> (access: 12.04.2016).
Celebryci trafią na uniwersytety? Wygląda na to, że to nieuniknione (2013), Wywiad z W. Godzicem rozm. A. Koziński, <http://www.polskatimes.pl/artykul/1061304,celebryci-trafia-na-uniwersytety-wyglada-na-to-ze-to-nieuniknione,2,id,t,sa.html> (access: 1.01.2014).
NKJP: Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego, <http://nkjp.pl> (access: 23.04.2013).
<http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl/vhosts/ifp/> (access: 12.04.2016).
Note: If the author or date of creation of a publication posted on the Internet are unknown, the title of the page or its abbreviated form should be used in the bibliographic description. The website address is given in angle brackets, and the date of access in round brackets.