Aspect of Polish verbs as a problem of translation and a challenge for learners and teachers of Polish as a foreign language


  • Beata Terka Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Wydział Polonistyki, Katedra Języka Polskiego jako Obcego, ul. Grodzka 64, 31-044 Kraków, ORCID: 0000-0002-0911-2047.



Polish grammar, language teaching, translation, aspectual pair, semantics, cognitive approach


The article concerns the issue of Slavonic aspect of Polish verb in the contrastive approach. The base for the contrastive analysis is Polish-German and German-Polish translation. Empirical research could finally be conducted in a complete and systematic way thanks to the new research perspective opened by applying cognitive semantics methods to the relevant issue. Here, the theories of Renata Grzegorczykowa and Volkmar Lehmann (concerning the primary or secondary cognitive character of each aspectual partner) are of particular importance. Conclusions drawn from the analysis focus on the following issues: the repertoire of functional exponents of aspect in German, the relevance of the category in Polish, the true importance of contextual and cognitive indicators of perfectiveness or imperfectiveness of verbs. The results are relevant from the perspective of translators and translation, but they can also be applied to the field of glottodidactics. They can provide a solid base for reopening the discussion on the ways of teaching aspect to students from non-Slavic countries and presenting the relevant issue in course books and other teaching materials.


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How to Cite

Terka, B. (2019). Aspect of Polish verbs as a problem of translation and a challenge for learners and teachers of Polish as a foreign language. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 25, 87–95.