Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and polish spelling at levels A1–C2




CEFR, CEFR 2020 – Companion Volume, spelling, orthographic competence, curricula for teaching Polish as a foreign language, requirements for Polish certificate exams


The article discusses the descriptions of orthographic competence in CEFR, Programy nauczania JPJO. Poziomy A1–C2 and the requirements for Polish certificate exams. Using this competence as an example, the author analyzes the similarities and differences between the common European framework and the two publications created by teachers of Polish 1 as a foreign language. She points to those places in the descriptions of the particular levels which may require clarification and addition. Based on the relationship between orthographic competence, other linguistic competences and language activities she compiles a collection of criteria that could be used in the process of expanding the understanding of the orthographic competence in teaching the Polish language. Finally, she adds her own suggestions of useful criteria.


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2024-09-06 — Updated on 2024-10-04


How to Cite

Dembowska-Wosik, I. (2024). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and polish spelling at levels A1–C2. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 31, 209–223. (Original work published September 6, 2024)

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