Trade routes and pilgrimage trails as a factor of integration in the 21st century




integration, communication, trans-cultural difusion


The project Trade Routes and Pilgrimage Trails as a Factor of Integration was one of the most important undertakings both in the career of prof. Jerzy Kmieciński, as well as in the history of Compostela Grupo de Universidades. Now, after nearly two decades since its completion, came just the time to have a closer look into its main assumptions and achievements in order to verify if it still reminds up-to-date and accurate in the contemporary world. The Author analysis the elements of the project separately, deals with the new “versions” of trade routes, the 21st century pilgrimage trails and the integration itself. Furthermore he deliberates on the changes in those terms and how they influence on the final conclusions of the original project. Finally getting to the key question – what has changed more: the world or the man?


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How to Cite

Klonowski, M. M. (2022). Trade routes and pilgrimage trails as a factor of integration in the 21st century. Eastern Review, 11(1), 145–155.




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