Calendar of Cultural Life in Lodz – April 1st–15th 1945
Lodz in 1945, Communist press, cultural institutions in Lodz, post-war fates of writers, calendar, literary life in Lodz, Communist propagandaAbstract
This publication – an extract from Calendar of Cultural Life in Lodz between 1945 and 1946 (Kalendarium łódzkiego życia kulturalnego w latach 1945–1946) – focuses on the first half of April 1945, when cultural life was reorganised after more than five years of German occupation and terror. In the history of Lodz spring 1945 was a peculiar period – in the face of the virtually complete annihilation of Warsaw, Lodz became the home for some of the Communist offices and was visited by prominent representatives of intellectual and cultural life. They were offered apartments and jobs in the state-controlled press and hastily established cultural institutions and universities. Through a detailed denotation of facts related to history, politics, and intellectual and artistic life, the author of the text makes an attempt to present the mechanisms and the dynamics of the earliest stage of the cultural and ideological revolution implemented in Poland between 1945 and 1948.
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