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Stychomytia w oczach scholiastów. Charakterystyka i analiza komentarzy do wersów 414-420 eurypidesowego "Orestesa"



Słowa kluczowe:

tragedia grecka, scholia, stychomytia, parafraza


The purpose of this article is to compile and discuss the scholia for a specific form of dialogue used in ancient drama, which is the stichomytia. The paper will use the example of the stichomytia from Euripides’ Orestes to discuss the nature of this type of dialogue and the issues the scholiasts raised in this context. The authors present translations of the scholia and discuss the nature of the scholiasts’ commentaries, many of which are paraphrases of the text of the drama.

Biogramy autorów

Jadwiga Czerwińska - Uniwersytet Łódzki

Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Czerwińska (University of Lodz) – full professor, editor-in-chief of “Collectanea Philologica”, member of the Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the Classical Association, the Scientific Commission of Łódź, scholarship holder of the Foundation Hardt pour L’Etude de L’Antiquité Classique, Vandoeuvres-Genève and the Lanckoroński Foundation. Her interests include Greek theatre and drama (mainly Euripides), Greek philosophy and the reception of antiquity in Italian culture. She is the author of many articles and Polish and Italian monographs on Euripides’ work: Człowiek Eurypidesa; Anthropeia physis come dramatis persona in Euripide; Innowacje mitologiczne i dramaturgiczne Eurypidesa; (co-author) Starożytny teatr i dramat w świetle pism scholiastów. Leksykon.

Katarzyna Chiżyńska - Uniwersytet Łódzki

Dr Katarzyna Chiżyńska – Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Lodz. Graduated in Classical Philology and Cultural Studies, recived doctorate in literary studies in 2012 for her thesis Scholia Medicea in „Aeschyli” Persas – analiza, przekład, komentarz. Main research interests: languages, ancient theatre, ancient Greek drama. She is the co-author of Starożytny teatr i dramat w świetle pism scholiastów. Leksykon.



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Jak cytować

Czerwińska, J., & Chiżyńska, K. (2024). Stychomytia w oczach scholiastów. Charakterystyka i analiza komentarzy do wersów 414-420 eurypidesowego "Orestesa". Collectanea Philologica, (27), 97–112.