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Problem winy i odpowiedzialności za zbrodnię w Orestesie Eurypidesa



Słowa kluczowe:

Eurypides, Orestes, Apollo, tragedia, scholia


The myth of Orestes provides an excellent opportunity to trace the issue of guilt, and thus responsibility for the crime of matricide. This theme was taken up in their dramas by all three greatest Greek tragedians: Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. The subject of consideration in the article will be Euripides’ Orestes and the way the poet highlights the relationship between the personal motivation of the play’s protagonist and the divine command. The main issue will be an attempt to answer the question whether the protagonist’s actions in Euripides’ play were autonomous in nature or caused by divine determinism. Apart from Orestes, the analysis will be supplemented by commentaries by scholastics and their way of explaining and interpreting the issues outlined in the article.

Biogram autora

Jadwiga Czerwińska - Uniwersytet Łódzki

Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Czerwińska (University of Lodz) – full professor, editor-in-chief of “Collectanea Philologica”, member of the Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), the Classical Association, the Scientific Commission of Łódź, scholarship holder of the Fondation Hardt pour L’Etude de L’Antiquité Classique, Vandoeuvres-Genève and the Lanckoroński Foundation. Her interests include Greek theatre and drama (mainly Euripides), Greek philosophy and the reception of antiquity in Italian culture. She is the author of many articles and Polish and Italian monographs on Euripides’ work: Człowiek Eurypidesa; Anthropeia physis come dramatis persona in Euripide; Innowacje mitologiczne i dramaturgiczne Eurypidesa; (co-author) Starożytny teatr i dramat w świetle pism scholiastów. Leksykon.


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Jak cytować

Czerwińska, J. (2023). Problem winy i odpowiedzialności za zbrodnię w Orestesie Eurypidesa. Collectanea Philologica, (26), 23–44.

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