Knowledge of stroke among residents of Uniejów and the surrounding area


  • Błażej Chmielecki



stroke, patients’ knowledge, Uniejów


The study evaluated the knowledge of residents of Uniejów and the surrounding area about stroke. 100 randomly selected people were included in the study. Respondents’ knowledge of stroke is low. In comparison with respondents from other social groups and other regions of Poland, their level of knowledge seems to be lower. The vast majority of patients do not know both causes of stroke, but they know that this disease does not have to occur in old age. They consider speech disorders to be the main symptom. Most of the respondents do not know all the symptoms of stroke. The most important factors influencing the occurrence of this disease are believed to be: hypertension, stress, smoking, obesity and atherosclerosis. They underestimate the importance of diabetes, lipid disorders and oral contraceptives. They recognize many of these factors in their own case, but believe that only some can be influenced (obesity, use of stimulants, sedentary lifestyle). Most of them do not know the proper blood pressure values nor the impact of alcohol on the risk of stroke and do not regularly have medical checks. The residents of Uniejów and the surrounding area correctly assess the impact of smoking on the risk of stroke. They also know what to do in the event of stroke symptoms and the importance of time for healing. The examined patients do not know the methods of modern, effective treatment and mostly see only the possibility of partial cure of stroke. The respondents want to broaden their knowledge about this disease.

Author Biography

Błażej Chmielecki

Absolwent kierunku ochrona środowiska i Studium Doktoranckiego Wydziału Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, ul. Banacha 1/3, 90-237 Łódź, lekarz rodzinny pracujący w NZOZ Salus w Uniejowie, ul. Orzechowa 2


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How to Cite

Chmielecki, B. (2020). Knowledge of stroke among residents of Uniejów and the surrounding area . Biuletyn Uniejowski, 9, 59–80.




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