Green Public Procurements (GPP) as an Instrument of Implementation of Sustainable Development. Analysis of the Experience of the Łódź Region Local Government


  • Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska University of Łódź
  • Tomasz Jakubiec University of Łódź



This paper discusses the situation on the Polish green public procurements (GPP) market, with special emphasis on the results of a GPPinfoNET project realised in the Łódź region. The identification of the main barriers hindering the application of GPP in the Polish practice is the departure point to formulating recommendations concerning organisational and legal changes which would make it possible to increase the share of GPP in the Polish economic practice. Implementation of green public procurement is considered as an important element of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Burchard-Dziubińska, M., & Jakubiec, T. (2012). Green Public Procurements (GPP) as an Instrument of Implementation of Sustainable Development. Analysis of the Experience of the Łódź Region Local Government. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 15(3), 23–36.


