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e-mail: zofia.wysokinska@uni.lodz.pl
Full professor at the University of Lodz; editor-in-chief of the academic journal titled Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe; head of the Department of World Economics and European Integration at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz; expert for the European Research Executive Agency (REA) in the field of the evaluation of applications for projects financed from the European Union’s funds within the ‘Horizon Europe’ programme; author and co-author of more than 200 publications from within the area of European integration and international economics; in 2006–2009, the president of the International Trade & Finance Association at the Ohio University.
Research interests
international economics, European integration, sustainable development
Selected publications
- Zofia Wysokińska (2018). “Implementing the Main Circular Economy Principles within the Concept of Sustainable Development in the Global and European economy, with Particular Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe – the Case of Poland and the Region of Lodz”. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 21(3), pp. 75–93.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2017). “Effects of Poland’s ProExport Policy Implementation in the Context of the Plan for Responsible Development – a Preliminary Comparative Assessment”. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 20(4), pp. 101–123.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2017). “Innovation Policy of the European Union – Overview of Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Aspects”. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 4(3–4), pp. 9–20.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2017). “Millenium Development Goals/UN and Sustainable Development Goals/UN as Instruments for Realising Sustainable Development Concept in the Global Economy”. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 20(1), pp. 101–118.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2017). “Polityka Innowacyjna Unii Europejskiej – podstawy teoretyczne i aspekty empiryczne”, [in:] Tomasz Domański (Ed.), Przedsiębiorczość. Innowacyjność. Konkurencyjność. Polskie doświadczenia na tle innych krajów (pp. 153–169). Ośrodek Enterprise Europe Network przy Fundacji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2016). “The ‘New’ Environmental Policy of the European Union: A Path to Development of a Circular Economy and Mitigation of the Negative Effects of Climate Change”. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 19(2), pp. 57–73.
- Zofia Wysokińska, Janina Witkowska (2016). Zrównoważony rozwój. Wybrane aspekty makro i mikroekonomiczne. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2015). “Refleksje o pieriestrojce polskich uczonych. Dyskusja okrągłego stołu”. Eastern Review, 4, pp. 25–41.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2015). “Policy of Active Support for Modern Design and Fashion in the Textile and Clothing Sector and Its Influence on Regional Competitiveness (in the Global, European, and Regional Contexts)”. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 23, Issue 6(114), pp. 14–22.
- Zofia Wysokińska (2013). “Polityka wspierania przedsiębiorczości i innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw w Unii Europejskiej”, [in:] Bogusław Kaczmarek & Waldemar Biliński (Eds.), Przedsiębiorczość polskich menedżerów w warunkach kryzysu (pp. 21–35). Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
International experience
In the period of 1990–1998, she was a scholar within the following granted scholarships:
– the Friedrich Ebert Foundation,
– the ACE Programme by the European Commission,
– a scholarship programme of the government of Great Britain, realised at the University of Cambridge,
– the scholarship programme of the European University Institute in Florence,
– the scholarship programme of the National University of Ireland.
She also conducted lectures at universities in Rouen, in Eastern Oregon (USA), in Vienna, and in Koln.
The Rector’s Award (University of Lodz) for organisational achievement in the year 2014 (awarded in October 2015)
– editor-in-chief of Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe
– member of the editorial committee of the Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University
– member of the editorial committee of the Eastern Journal of European Studies
– expert for the European Research Executive Agency (REA) in the field of the evaluation of applications for projects financed from the European Union’s funds within the ‘Horizon Europe’ programme
– member of the Faculty Committee for Development, Team for International Cooperation
– member of the Consultative Council for the following programmes: Economics, Economics in English; Economics and International Business; Ecobusiness Economics
– programme director for the cooperation with Chinese universities (for the term 2016–2020)
– the head of the Department of the Department of World Economics and European Integration at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
– member of the 3rd term of the Committee for Doctoral Dissertations within economics (the institutional strand) at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
– member of the 10th Commission for Environmental Economics and Natural Resources at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
– Vice-Rector for International Cooperation in the period of 2008–2016
– Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, in the period of 2002–2009
Previous functions
– member of the Board of the International Trade and Finance Association (IT&FA) (President – 2008)
– member of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
– academic secretary for the Council of Economic Policy at the Ministry of Economics
– coordinator on behalf of the University of Lodz of the American aid programme financed from USAID, under the name ‘Management Training Eastern Europe’ (MANTREE), realised in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Madison
– Jean Monnet Professor as of 2001 – title granted by the European Commission
– expert and member of three working groups within international organisations such as OECD (1999; 2001) and within the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) at the European Commission (2006)
– adviser for the Ministry of Economics – representing Poland at the 5th Global Forum on Reinventing Government in Mexico City (for the individual invitation from the United Nations)
– in the period of 2003–2009, member of the Global Government Innovators Network, i.e. international network organised by the Ash Institute of Democratic Governance together with the John Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
– coordinator of a big international didactic project GAVA, within which an education programme for a new international study programme ‘Governance for Sustainable Development’ was prepared in cooperation with partners from universities in Great Britain, Germany, and France