Aktywność polityczno-społeczna ziemiaństwa województwa kieleckiego w latach 1918–1939


  • Marcin Łuczkowski



Ключевые слова:

ziemiaństwo, województwo kieleckie w latach 1918–1939, aktywność polityczna i społeczna ziemian, ziemiaństwo Kielecczyzny


The content of this article is autoreferat for her doctoral thesis on the political and social activity landowners defended in May 2013 at the University of Jan Kochanowski in Kielce. The aim of the work was the presentation of the forms and the degrees of political and social activity changes from landowners of Kielce province. The subject of the analysis were both these landowners, whose activity was significant in the nationwide perspective and those who were working more in local scale (provincial or district). Chronological range includes the period from 11 XI 1918 to 1 IX 1939. The work was divided into 5 chapters. The first was dedicated to the description of the number and diversity of discussed layer and its place in the structure of society of the Kielce province. In the second chapter there was presented issues of the landowners activity in three types of autonomy (territorial, economical, professional). The third section is an overview of the landowners activity in political parties and movements. The fourth chapter analyzes the size of representation of the landowners in the parliament in particular cadency, the contribution in parliament works and non-parliamentarian activities of deputies and senators which have landowning roots. In the last chapter was taken an attempt to present the most characteristic signs of social activity by landowners in Kielce province (activities in social selfhelp organizations, religious associations and also dedication to the country defense).


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Как цитировать

Łuczkowski, M. (2014). Aktywność polityczno-społeczna ziemiaństwa województwa kieleckiego w latach 1918–1939. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 20, 251–258. https://doi.org/10.18778/1506-6541.20.14


