Submit your article
The Editorial Board of RURAL PERIODICALS [ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE] invites you to submit your texts.
Texts should be sent to the e-mail address of the Editorial Board:
Texts in Polish and English are accepted year-round. Texts in other languages require consultation with the Editorial Team.
The Editorial Board makes every effort to maintain the highest ethical standards at each stage of the editorial procedure. Each article is subject to a double-blind review procedure by at least two reviewers.
Checking the text before submission
Authors are requested to check that the text meets the following criteria:
- The paper has not been previously published and has not been submitted to the publisher of another journal for consideration (or appropriate explanations have been made in comments to the editor).
- The text complies with all the requirements referred to in the Editorial Instructions, presented in the For Authors
Texts that do not meet the editorial requirements after initial qualification will be sent back to the Authors.
Withdrawal of the text
The Editorial Board has the right to withdraw a submitted text if:
- it is incompatible with the profile of the journal
- it violates the copyrights of third parties or constitutes plagiarism
- it represents an insufficient substantive level, contains clear evidence of the unreliability of research results and fabrication of data, including unintentional errors (e.g., calculation errors, methodological errors)
- it has been previously published in full or in substantial part without proper citation, approvals or justification (including in the case of repeated reproduction of identical text)
- it presents unethical content
- the Author has ignored the recommendations of the Reviewers
Editorial procedure
To ensure the high scientific and editorial level of the journal, the Editorial Board attaches great importance to a sound and transparent review procedure for texts submitted for publication in RURAL PERIODICALS [ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE].
The journal has adopted and implements the principles of publishing ethics, consistent with the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Publishers of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education presented in the study Good practices in review procedures in science, Warsaw 2011.
The journal ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE observes the following procedure for working on submitted texts:
- The journal publishes materials in Polish and English.
- The Editorial Board accepts materials year-round.
- Texts in the form of a file (Word) sent to the e-mail address of the Editorial Board ( are accepted.
- The Editorial Board makes a preliminary formal evaluation of the texts and qualifies them for further procedure.
- The Authors are informed about the preliminary acceptance and submission of the article for review, or rejection of the text.
- Qualified texts, after removal of the Author’s identifying data, are sent to two independent Reviewers coming from scientific centers other than the Author’s affiliation. A double-blind review mode applies. Reviewers are appointed on the basis of their current disciplines and research fields.
- After receiving reviews, the Editorial Committee qualifies texts for further procedure. The text is qualified for further stages of the publishing process if it receives two positive reviews. In contentious situations, another Reviewer is appointed.
- Qualified texts along with the comments of the Reviewers and Editors are sent to the Author/Authors.
- The Authors make the final revisions of the texts within the set deadline. They are obliged to consider the recommendations and correct the text accordingly.
- After the Author has corrected any imperfections identified by the Reviewers and the Editorial Board, the Board makes the final decision to accept or reject the text for publication, of which it notifies the Author.
- Editors subject texts to linguistic and editorial verification.
- In the case of a text that is not subject to the digital object identifier (DOI), such as a review, a report on a scientific conference (event) or a posthumous memoir, after the intra-editorial review and acceptance of the text for publication by the Editorial Board, it undergoes linguistic and editorial verification, carried out by the Editorial Board in consultation with the Author of the text.
- The article accepted for publication, after possible revisions, editing and graphic processing (typesetting), is presented to the Author(s) as proofs and for final approval of the text.
- Authors are required to sign a contract with Lodz University Press.
- The volume of ZESZYTY WIEJSKIE is sent to LUP for publication.
- Each Author receives an author’s copy.