Plant-Based Diet and Social Involvement in the Discursive Practices of Online Communities




plant-based diet, virtual ethnography, online communities, culinary discourse, anthropology of food


The subject of the considerations undertaken in the article is the plant-based diet, the practice of which in the contemporary culture is strongly entangled in identity and world-view projects and actions to change social life and food culture. The author, using the method of virtual ethnography and discourse analysis, examines in detail the culinary discourse used for mutual communication of the supporters of the plant-based diet in the space of a Polish social networking site (Facebook). Such an analysis of the discourse serves to show the specificity of the modern plant-based diet, but also to show the involvement of the author’s interesting culinary practices in world-oriented pro-ecological, economic and political activities. Thus, the plant-based diet appears in the presented analysis in a detailed social and environmental context, preserving its culinary specificity and autonomy, but at the same time illustrating important processes of current cultural changes in Poland.


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How to Cite

Orszulak-Dudkowska, K. (2020). Plant-Based Diet and Social Involvement in the Discursive Practices of Online Communities. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 26, 307–325.


