Poskładane z okruchów. Uwagi na temat pracy nad wyposażeniem wnętrza domu mieszkalnego w Łęczyckiej Zagrodzie Chłopskiej


  • Barbara Chlebowska Muzeum Archeologiczne i Etnograficzne w Łodzi




The residential house reconstructed in Łęczycka Zagroda Chłopska is a one-bay wide-front peasant cottage in the village of Chorki with clay walls and two rooms separated with a through hallway. The furnishings reflect the interwar period, i.e. the 1930s. The basis is formed with furniture obtained during penetrative field research of the Ethnographic Team of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź. Historic objects from the Museum’s collection, such as devotional objects, functional fabrics, and household items, supplement the exhibition.

I have assumed that the house is inhabited with a two-generation family, i.e. a married couple with several children. This solution has enabled me to allot one room for a kitchen (a so-called ‘black room’) and the second one – for a residential room (a so-called ‘white room’). The arrangement including rooms with different natures and functions makes the exhibition more attractive.


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How to Cite

Chlebowska, B. (2013). Poskładane z okruchów. Uwagi na temat pracy nad wyposażeniem wnętrza domu mieszkalnego w Łęczyckiej Zagrodzie Chłopskiej. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 18, 341–360. https://doi.org/10.18778/1506-6541.18.22


