From the history of the Volunteer Fire Department in Zborowskie (1923–2023)




fire department, Zborowskie, fire protection unit, Zduńska Wola commune


The Volunteer Fire Department in Zborowskie (currently the Zduńska Wola commune) began its activity in 1923 and controlled the following locations: Czartki, Laskowiec and Zborowskie. In 1935, a watchtower was built in the village from concrete blocks. Before the outbreak of the war, the unit was made of Catholics and Evangelicals. It had 12 active members (1938) and did not cease its activity during the German occupation. As one of the first units in this area, the fire department in Zborowskie resumed its activity in the first period of 1945. In 1960, it was enriched with a motor pump. Year by year, the activity of the fire department weakened and was limited to the necessary minimum. At the beginning of the 21st century, the unit was on the verge of collapse and liquidation. However, the following years brought positive changes for the fire brigade. In 2005, the first light fire truck came, and subsequent actions aimed at inreasing the rolling stock and improving the equipment of the fire extinguishing, that on December 14, 2009, the Fire Department was entered into the national rescue and firefighting system. On May 13, 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Volunteer Fire Department in Zborowskie was organized. The unit currently has 40 people.


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How to Cite

Stulczewski, J. (2024). From the history of the Volunteer Fire Department in Zborowskie (1923–2023). Zeszyty Wiejskie, 30, 263–276.


