Knotting against common sense in the "Sociological Record" by Zofia Rydet




common sense, metaphor, expression plane, content plane, photographic image, myth, bricolage, nonmodernity


The paper deals with two models of interpretation that influence present way of understanding the main functions of Zapis socjologiczny [Sociological Record]. Approving the importance of both, first called ethnographic-archive and the other, aesthetic analysis, the author shows how using them separately influences the interpretation and limits the different aspects of photographic cycle by Rydet. This kind of theoretical separation is presented as the problem of common sense, whereas the importance of Sociological Record as the dynamic pattern of the knotting notion by Tim Ingold. The main features of knotting examined in the work by Rydet involves details and things presented on the photographs and the use of photographic image as the way of showing concurrent and nonlinear narrative links. It results with re-reading Zapis… as the image composition that reveals itself as the logic of metaphor with the substitution of expression plane and content plane in the way how C. Levi-Strauss describes mythological process. Thus the work by Rydet is finally presented as the representation of B. Latour’s hybrid and challenge for theoretical description, reflecting the present-day experience of the audience and being renewed in the new conditions of culture.


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How to Cite

Gołąb, M. (2023). Knotting against common sense in the "Sociological Record" by Zofia Rydet. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 28(2), 35–69.


