Development of organic farming in Poland in 2011–2020




organic farming, organic food, organic food market, sustainable rural development


The manuscript presents the state and development of organic farming in Poland and individual provinces. It has been shown that over the years 2011–2020 the number of organic producers and the area of organic crops decreased. The recorded dynamics of changes varied depending on the analyzed voivodship. The War­mińsko-Mazurskie voivodship had the largest and stable number of organic producers. In the analyzed years, the number of producers involved in the processing of organic products and the production of fodder and/or yeast increased. The increase in the number of analyzed processors concerned each of the voivodships, and the highest was recorded in Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie. The total area of ecological agricultural land (during the period and after conversion) has significantly decreased. The biggest drops in ecological crops were found in the Zachodniopomorskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships.


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How to Cite

Jarecki, W. (2022). Development of organic farming in Poland in 2011–2020. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 28, 103–119.


