A screen under thatch. Specificity and aesthetics of limited modernization and mediatization of Podhale homes based on Zofia Rydet’s "Zapis socjologiczny" [Sociological Record]
rural modernization, information revolution, mass communication, anthropology of space, Vilém Flusser, "Zapis socjologiczny", Zofia RydetAbstract
In this article, the thesis regarding the change in the functions and symbolism of homes affected by the information revolution, proposed by media philosopher Vilém Flusser in his 1990 essay “On Future Architecture” is juxtaposed with photographs by Zofia Rydet from the series Zapis socjologiczny. The text analyzes the photographs of residents and their households in the Podhale region of Polish villages from 1978 to 1990, serving as a document illustrating the ongoing transition from home being understood as a haven, enabling introspection into oneself and the immediate surroundings, to home as a place facilitating observation (and interaction with) the expanded image of the world presented by the media. The study delves into the aesthetics of the photographed households combining folk sensibility, products of an industrialized economy, and cultural “DIYs.” In this manner, Zapis socjologiczny reveals the significance of the change advocated by the media philosopher in shifting the way we think about homes towards considering them as critical points in the social network of information exchange and relationship-building.
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