Next issues

Next issues:


2024/1(18) Art in the lifelong experience of community - European perspective

2024/2(19) Research on the family in a biographical perspective

2025/1(20) Theory in the humanities and social sciences. Collusions of approaches and application

2025/2(21) Around lifelong learning - andragogical perspective

Invitation for submitting articles:


Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies (NOWIS) 2024/1(18)

Art in the lifelong experience of community - a European perspective

Scientific Editor: Mirosława Zalewska-Pawlak, Giulio Sforza

The theme of the experience of community is a recent problem and has many dimensions: from interpersonal, intergenerational, through national and European, to global relations. Nowadays, the dominance of individual choices and self-realization raises concerns about the loss of community as a value.

The sense of community is the subject of pedagogical research. Marta Olcoń-Kubicka (2009, Individualization and new forms of community) presented an extensive analysis and diagnosis of the relationship between individuality and community. She emphasized that contemporary communities are formed by a sense of belonging based on intersubjective feelings and shared pleasures. This provides new opportunities to strengthen community through the experience of art.

During the pandemic, Erasmus Plus submitted projects relating to art and creativity in search of activities that sustain social ties. Educators from Poland, Italy and Spain participated in the preparation of the projects. We want to maintain and continue to explore this perspective of European considerations in the proposed issue.

We invite teachers, artists, art historians, animators to share their thoughts and experiences and contribute to this publication.

The deadline for submitting texts on the Index Copernicus platform is the end of September 2023. All questions should be directed to the address of the Editorial Office of NOWIS:

Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies (NOWIS) 2024/2(19)

Research on the family in a biographical perspective

Scientific Editors: Arkadiusz Wąsiński, Justyna Sztobryn-Bochomulska

We invite you to develop scientific articles within a broad, interdisciplinary thematic formula, focused on contemporary aspects of recognizing the importance of the family in human life, the quality of its functioning in the light of increasingly clear challenges perceived against the background of dynamic social and cultural changes in Poland and in the world.

The starting point for the discussion is the concept of the family as a space integrating intra-family and extra-family processes which, by interfering with each other, transform into a broad, but internally coherent stream of influences that are essential for the formation of a human being. The family perceived this way is, in a sense, a buffer space, filtering external influences and integrating them with internal influences, creating conditions conducive to awakening, developing and directing the development and self-creation of its members. The family can then be considered in the light of the possibility of co-creating a community, identified with opening up to the difference of others, which "does not threaten, does not intimidate, does not provoke escape", but is conducive to achieving existential fullness by its members.

Considering the outlined issues in the intra-family context, the importance of domestic, marital and individual biography is revealed as a communal and personal reflection on the important manifestations of family life. The biographical perspective combined with the special and unique micro-world of everyday life is kind of a meta-biography jointly constructed, experienced and consolidated by all members of the family, from which they draw conclusions in the individual reconstruction of the structures of their own biographies.

We invite you to co-create the next issue of the magazine. The deadline for submitting the manuscript on the Index Copernicus platform is January 31, 2024.

Please send any questions to the address of the NOWIS Editorial Office:

Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies (NOWIS) 2025/1(20)

The Theory in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Collusions of Approaches and Applications

Scientific Editor: Sławomir Pasikowski

The debate over the status of theory in the sciences may seem to have subsided today. However, there are at least incidental reasons to revive this debate, stemming from the evident engagement of theory in the social sciences and humanities. The progress of technological advances in the analytical background of conducted studies also provides grounds for updating the disputes. Currently, it enables the exploration of vast data sets without the need for explicit model declarations or assumptions regarding the phenomena under study in these fields. And even if locally, the issue of theoretical engagement or technological progress is of little significance, individual disciplinary environments, schools of thought, groups, or collectives exhibit specific interpretations of theory and what is theoretical. A striking example in this regard are the educational sciences. Additionally, the problem of theory continuously updates enduring distinctions such as: theoretical - practical, fundamental - applied.

In light of the above, an initiative has been launched to prepare a thematic issue of NOWiS dedicated to theory in the fields of social and humanistic sciences, in which authors' discussions could focus on such issues as: ways of understanding theory; conditions for the emergence and functioning of theory; roles attributed to theory; the dynamics of the development of the theoretical layer of scientific disciplines, but also the theorization of other fields of knowledge; the issue of the non-theoretical nature of research, not always correctly associated with abstract or naive empiricism; the relationship between theory and empirical data and social practices; interactions between theories, as well as the contexts in which these theories arise or operate.

Deadline for submitting articles on the Index Copernicus platform: end of September 2024.

Any questions should be directed to the NOWIS Editorial Office: