The Issue of Popular Education in Selected Socio-Cultural Journals of the Kingdom of Poland in the 1905–1918 Period




popular education, popularization of education, educational work, socio-cultural journals, the Kingdom of Poland


The issue of popular education in the Kingdom of Poland started to arise as early as the period 1858–1860. Analysing the socio-cultural journals of this period one can easily see numerous articles and correspondence calling for society to propagate popular education (establishment of libraries, educating school teachers, propagation of youth associations, education of women etc.). The editors of the analysed journals, as well as the authors writing on the subject, stated that if progress and well-being were to be introduced in the countryside the only way was through development of broad popular educational activity.

Author Biography

Joanna Falkowska, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Falkowska, Joanna – pedagogue, habilitated doctor, professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She works at the Department of History and Theory of Education at the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Research interests focus on the history of pedagogical thought in Poland, mainly in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, pedagogical biography, historical pedeutology, sources in historical and pedagogical research, and the history of education.


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How to Cite

Falkowska, J. (2020). The Issue of Popular Education in Selected Socio-Cultural Journals of the Kingdom of Poland in the 1905–1918 Period. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 11(2), 155–165.