In Search of Community. An Autoethnographic Story About Biennale Arte in Venice




art-based research, autoethnography, Biennale Arte in Venice, aesthetic education, contemporary art, community


The article presents an autoethnographic story about the search for the idea of community at the Biennale Arte in Venice. La Biennale di Venezia is one of the oldest exhibitions of international art in the world. The artistic projects presented within it constitute the essence of artistic and social interests in the contemporary world. Starting from the problem of wishful thinking in aesthetic education, the article analyzes the last five editions of the Venice Biennale (from 2013 to 2022), showing the spaces with potential for building a community. Using the ABR methodology, the article is an attempt to gently break the form of academic writing and introduce a clear personal factor into it (in accordance with the research concept of Patricia Leavy). The article is a personal story, which presents selected artistic projects and communication situations that took place during the Venice Biennale. They can be considered as elements of building the biennial community.

Author Biography

Barbara Kwiatkowska-Tybulewicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Barbara Kwiatkowska-Tybulewicz – Assistant Professor at the Aesthetic Education and Culture Studies Unit at the Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include contemporary art, art education and aesthetic education, theatre pedagogy, progressive education, alternative education, art practice as research in education, new phenomena in art and their pedagogical aspects. Author of the book Educational Aspects of Contemporary Art. From the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy (2016).


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How to Cite

Kwiatkowska-Tybulewicz, B. (2024). In Search of Community. An Autoethnographic Story About Biennale Arte in Venice. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 18(1), 164–177.