Popular and Classical Music in Education. Coexistence or Competition?





music education, popular music, artistic music


The article discusses the coexistence of popular and classical music in general music education. It touches on the problem of how to distinguish both areas of artistic activity and discusses attempts to define them presented so far. It emphasizes the integrative nature of the exploration of different domains, combining different ways of perception and expression in the context of educational activities.

Author Biography

Piotr Soszyński, University of Lodz

Piotr Soszyński – pedagogue, music theorist, IT specialist, doctor of humanities in the discipline of education, Assistant Professor at the Department of Art Education and Pedagogy of Creativity at the University of Lodz. Author of the book IT Competences of Music Teachers. Postulated and Actual State. Research interests: art education, application of computer technology in music education, music didactics, diagnosis and evaluation of TPACK.


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How to Cite

Soszyński, P. (2024). Popular and Classical Music in Education. Coexistence or Competition?. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 18(1), 123–135. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.18.10