The Doubling of Shadow. Notes from an Ethnography of Life


  • Wojciech Józef Burszta SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny



ethnography, memory, metaphor, identity, narrative, vivisection


The paper is an attempt to present the idea of an ethnography of life understood as a formative narrative on the shaping of one’s identity diachronically as well as from the perspective of key metaphors penetrating the trajectory of the whole life. Ethnography of life is a kind of intellectual and emotional vivisection, a reflexive autotherapy which highlights the different contexts and crucial moments that shape what we often call a scientific biography. The key metaphor of this story is “the doubling of shadow” – the passing of the loved ones, and life in the shadow of the postwar reality of the People’s Republic of Poland.

Author Biography

Wojciech Józef Burszta, SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny

Full Professor at SWPS Humanities and Social Sciences University in Warsaw, Head of the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań; anthropologist of culture, culture expert and essayist. He is interested in the theory and practice of contemporary culture, including pop culture and pop-nationalism. His research deals with anthropology of modernity and cultural studies, with particular emphasis on myths and symbols, as well as the phenomena of contestation and anarchy in liberal societies.


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How to Cite

Burszta, W. J. (2017). The Doubling of Shadow. Notes from an Ethnography of Life. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 4(1), 158–170.