Adult Education: Conceptual Tools


  • Jean-Pierre Boutinet L’Université catholique de l’Ouest, Institut de psychologie et sociologie apliquées



adult education, discourse, adult, requirement of individuality, formal education, non-formal education


Referring to the transformations and social conditions that affect also the field of adult education, this text raises the following questions: By what conceptual tools, in the current postmodern context, can adult education develop its issues? What does it mean today to be an adult learner? In what form of education?
The text analyzes the challenges that may influence the practice of education and indicates development proposals. The transformations concern the reconfiguration in the field of education and the meanings that are commonly assigned to it.

Author Biography

Jean-Pierre Boutinet, L’Université catholique de l’Ouest, Institut de psychologie et sociologie apliquées

Honorary Professor at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest (Institute of Applied Psychology and Sociology), Visiting Professor at the University of Sherbrooke in Canada and a member of a research team at the University of Paris X. Author of numerous books, including Anthropologie du projet (PUF, 1990, latest edition 2004), Psychologie des conduites à projet (PUF, 1993, 4th ed. 2004), Psychologie de la vie adulte (PUF, 1995, 4th ed. 2005) and editor of the work Penser l’accompagnement adulte (PUF, 2007). His works relate to issues such as culture of the project and carrying it out, status of an adult in the current cultural spaces of late modernity and the changes that they are subject to.


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How to Cite

Boutinet, J.-P. (2016). Adult Education: Conceptual Tools. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 3(2), 62–78.