The Roles of a Teacher and Oppressiveness Towards Students




epistemological beliefs, oppressiveness, entanglement in the education system, transfer of knowledge, phenomenography


Pupils spend a large part of their lives at school, where most of their time is filled by teachers. The quality of this time depends also on the teachers’ approach to educational issues, their sense of agency, responsibility and commitment. In conducting a phenomenographic study of teachers’ epistemological beliefs, I asked teachers questions not only about issues directly related to epistemology, but also about how they perceived their role and what impact they saw as having on students’ learning process. The collected answers revealed varied teacher profiles, which I grouped into 8 distinct conceptions of teacher’s roles, out of which I selected 4 categories in which different forms of oppression were manifested. The described roles, or rather the activities which those roles manifest in, enable us to understand the context of oppressiveness. The main sources of potential oppressiveness seems to lie in teachers’ different attitudes to basic educational concepts, including, above all, the transfer of knowledge and their entanglement in the educational system, i.e. their sense of the system’s influence on the performance of their work performance.

Author Biography

Jolanta Gałecka, Uniwersytet Gdański

Jolanta Gałecka is a doctoral student of Pedagogy at the University of Gdansk. She worked for many years as an education expert in the largest educational publishing houses in Poland, where she dealt with market research and development of operating strategies. An attorney by education, she engaged with didactics and education in the United States, where she worked as a Spanish teacher and held a position at a Montessori school. She participated in European projects TEL-MAP, VISIR – co-creating new directions for modern education. She conducted many observations in innovative schools in Poland, Australia, USA, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, as well as scientific research in India. She has spent the last three years researching teachers’ epistemological beliefs and narrative approaches to education.


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How to Cite

Gałecka, J. (2023). The Roles of a Teacher and Oppressiveness Towards Students. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 17(2), 186–201.