The Perception of Gifted Students by Teachers in Grades 1–3 in Poland. Initial Results of Empirical Research
paradigms of giftedness, identification of gifted primary grades children, gifted pupils at a younger school ageAbstract
The article presents the preliminary results of an online survey research conducted in May and June 2022 among 484 teachers of initial classes, considered as a convenience sample. The presented results focus on providing evidence: which traits/behaviors of the youngest students are perceived by teachers as markers of giftedness, and whether and how the patterns of identifying students’ abilities differ depending on the professional career of teachers and the characteristics of the schools in which they work. The use of exploratory factor analysis allowed to reveal what latent theoretical concepts of giftedness can be distinguished on the basis of the selection of characteristics of gifted students. The article is inspired by the research conducted by The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (Brighton et al. 2007) in 2003, as one of the few studies in this area carried out among primary grades teachers, and revived discussion at the turn of 20th and 21st centuries, primarily in the USA, on changes in the giftedness and gifted education paradigms and the role of teachers in developing skills and talents.
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